
Fees are charged as per below

Session 1a                 £25. 00 per morning session  until your child is settled      
(9am to 11.am)

Session 1b                 £30.00 per morning session with lunch           
(9am to 12.15pm)

Session 2a             £25 00 per afternoon session                             (12.30pm to 3pm) until your child is settled

Session 2b                £26.00 per afternoon session                     (12.15 to 3.15pm)

Two year olds £27..30

Funded two year old will incur an additional charge of £1. per day for additional services and sustainability charge £28.30

All Day Session      9am to 3.15pm    £55.00      

Funded two year olds will incur an additional charge of £1.40 per day for additional services and sustainability charge   (9am to 3.15pm). £56 per day

Breakfast Club. £10 8am to 9am or prorata depending on start time

Breakfast club includes a nutritious breakfast and can be included in any funding.

Extended day Depending on availability and sustainability currently only available on a Thursday This includes a nutritious meal

3.15pm to 5pm £14

Please speak to the Manager or Deputy Manager


Fees must be paid for any absences due to illness or family holidays. If you wish to remove your child from the pre-school before the end of the term in order to go on holiday, the fees must be paid up to the end of the term as the place cannot be offered to another child. In order to secure a place, all parents are requested to pay a £50 non-refundable registration fee before the term that their child is due to start.

Payments are due half termly in advance, if this presents difficulty, then it is acceptable for fees to be paid weekly.

Please be aware that failure to pay fees on time may cause your child to lose their place, we will only give two weeks leniency.


From April 2015 all early years providers who deliver Government funded early education will be able to claim the early years pupil premium for three and four year old children whose parents are in receipt of one or more of the following benefits:

•       Income Support
•       Income-based Jobseekers Allowance
•       Universal Credit
•       Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
•       Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
•       the guaranteed element of State Pension Credit
•       Child Tax Credit (provided you’re not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190)

Three and four year olds will also be eligible if:

•       they have been in local-authority care for 1 day or more in England or Wales
•       they have been adopted from care in England or Wales
•       they have left care through a special guardianship order or a child arrangement order in England or Wales

If you are in receipt of any of the above, please speak to the Manager who will be happy to assist you in completing the relevant forms.

National data and research tells that children eligible for free school meals tend to do less well, for example in 2014 45% of children eligible for free school meals achieved the expected level at the end of the early years foundation stage compared with 64% of other children.  The Early Years Pupil Premium will provide us with extra funding to close this gap.

The Early Years Pupil Premium provides an extra 53 pence per hour for three and four year old children whose parents are in receipt of certain benefits or who were formally in local authority care but who left care because they were adopted or were subject to a special guardianship or child arrangements order. This means an extra £302 a year for each child taking up the full 570 hours funded entitlement to early education.  This additional money could make a significant difference to us.

We can use the extra funding in any way we choose to improve the quality of the early years education that we provide for your child. This could include for example additional training for our staff on early language, investing in partnership working with our colleagues in the area to further our expertise or supporting our staff in working on specialised areas such as speech and language.

It is well documented that high quality early education can influence how well a child does at both primary and secondary school so we do want to make the most of this additional funding. You may be aware if you have older children that a pupil premium has been available for school age children and it has proved to have given a real boost to the children receiving the funding. We want to do the same for our early years children entitled to this funding.

 30 hours Government funding

Please speak to the MANAGER with regards to applying for the New offer for working parents.  Alternatively you may apply online at www.childcarechoices.gov.uk

Full Day Care

The pre-school's full day care session is Monday to Friday 9am to 3.15pm - Term time only, Excluding any Bank Holidays.

The children staying all day must be provided with a nutritious packed lunch by their parents/carers. All perishables will be kept in the fridge for freshness. All lunch boxes are to be labelled with your child's name. Should you wish for your child to have warm food, this should be placed in a food thermos and will be kept in the kitchen, please give the thermos separately on the lunch trolley. We shall provide the children with a snack and drink twice during the day, consisting of fruit, vegetables, crackers, toast and a variety of dairy produce.

Our policy is healthy eating so please refrain from placing crisps, nuts, chocolates, sweets and fizzy drinks in your child's lunch box. Yogurt's, fromage fraise, dried/fresh fruits, cereal bars etc, are all nutritious and delicious snack alternatives for your children. If your child has any dietary needs or allergies please let the play leaders aware of these so that other parents can be informed not to place these items in the lunch boxes. Please do not place nut based products in your child’s lunch box due to nut allergies. A Separate healthy eating policy will be given to parents/carers of children staying for lunch outlining healthy lunches.



The funding is offered the Term AFTER your child turns TWO for Terrific Twos and working parents (dependent on circumstances) and Funding is offered to all three and four year olds. The Government is providing funding for all 3 and 4 years olds which aims to give them free nursery sessions.  However, in reality the funding does not cover the actual costs of running a pre-school like ours. The pre-schools fees per session are more than the government funding and these are charged as additional services and sustainability charges per session, which Parents/Carers are required to pay as we are unable to operate without it. 

A separate funding letter will be sent out to parents explaining the funding and the costings.

At Highlands Village Pre-school we pride ourselves in the quality of our staff and our staffing ratio levels are higher than the national average.  Any compromising on staffing levels will affect the safety of the children and lower our standards.  We also believe in providing the children with quality resources to enhance their learning and giving them access to small group teaching and extra-curricular activities.

The additional services and sustainability charge includes above average staffing ratios for each session to enable the pre-school to deliver the best quality of care.  Our staff ratio’s are higher than the minimum requirements.  Nutritious snacks and drinks provided by ourselves, a book bag and the administration of your child’s Tapestry Learning Journal and Paper Journal, which includes the reproducing of photographs, this Learning Journal is yours to keep once your child leaves.  Extra-curricular activities offered by the pre-school which include Super star Sports, Sports School., Diddi Dance, Wild Fangs, Christmas party, Graduation Party and Children’s Summer outing. THIS LIST IS NOT EXHAUSTIVE. The Pre-school would be unsustainable and would have to close if these additional services and sustainability fees are not met.  Thank you for your kind considerations. 

The maximum sessions that can be claimed for is five sessions per week.  If your child attends less sessions, then the funding will be calculated pro-rata.   If you would like to access your sessions over an all day session, then this is calculated as two session.  We are offering three hours per funded place and the hours will be 9am to 12.15pm and 12.15pm to 3.15pm.  Parents are also required to sign a form confirming that their child is not receiving funding at another setting.  If their child is attending another setting as well as ours, sessions will have to be confirmed at each setting so that there is not an overlap of funded places for your child.

Parents are required to sign a contract with the pre-school before their child is in receipt of the Nursery Education Funding